Posts tagged winning style
Eileen Wins Best Dressed Lady at Killarney Races
Carol KennellyEileen O'Shea, Killarney Races, Killarney Races Ladies Day, Killarney Races Ladies Day 2019, best dressed, best hat designer, best milliners, best dressed lady, phoenix v, mother of the bride, Dawn Dairies, Killarney racecourse, winning style, horse racing, horse racing ireland
Sarah Wins Best Dressed at Great Yarmouth Racecourse
Carol KennellySarah Weston, Cotswold Hat Club, carol kennelly millinery, carol kennelly, best dressed, best dressed lady, Great Yarmouth Racecourse, Horse Racing UK, Ladies Day style uk, lady in Red, butterfly, butterfly hat, carol Kennelly Millinery, hat Desiger, top milliner, top hat designers, top irish milliner, winning style
Mary Wins “Classy Lady” at Listowel Races
Carol KennellyMary O' Halloran, Listowel Races, Listowel Races 2018, Aideen Bodkin Design, Irish Racecourse, Irish Designers, wearing irish design, wearing irish, carol kennelly, carol kennelly millinery, winning style, award winning designer, award winning milliner, ostrich headpiece, ostrich feather hat, ostrich feather
Eva Wins Prizes Valued at €10,000 at Leopardstown
Carol KennellyEva Hayes, leopardstown, leopardstown racecourse, best dressed, best dressed lady, Phoenix V, prize for elegance, leopard hat, large hat, millinery couture, best hat designer, winning style, ladies day ireland, style inspo
Linda wins best hat at the Horse Show
Winning best dressed Galway Races 2008
Carol KennellyAnthony Ryan, Galway Races 2008, Galway Races ladies day 2008, best dressed lady, Racing fashion ireland, Rosie Kennelly, Carol Kennelly, hibiscus, giant flower, winning style